If you want to find all sermons by Chris Nuttall (Treeton Baptist Church trained Lay Preacher) or Gordon Hawley (also our trained Lay Preacher) - or say David Harvey (one of our many visiting preachers) just click directly on the name label above. Or if you want to view all sermons from any particular year - just click on the year label you want!
Then click on the Sermon Header to open the recording - and start listening!
When we suspended our church services - as a result of 'social distancing' due to the COVID 19 pandemic - we introduced Video Links below (currently in ascending datal order) of great services from another church.
The church involved is one that a couple from our own church actively support (& attend when on Algarve holidays).
These excellent service videos have been arranged by Joy Borgan - the Minister of the 'Baptist based' International Christian Fellowship Church in Portimao, Portugal. Joy gives the biblically sound messages in her lovely gifted manner.
"Coronavirus and the Protection of God" - Psalm 91 - recorded 15th March 2020:
"An Attitude of Gratitude" - recorded 22nd March 2020
"Hope for the Future" - Jeremiah 29:11-14 - recorded 29th March 2020:
PALM SUNDAY (5th April): "Sovereignty and Suffering" based on Matthew 21:1-11 and Luke 19: 28-44.
WORSHIP SERVICE (19th April 2020) - "How to Escape from Prison": WORSHIP SERVICE (26th April 2020) - "The Priority of Praise"
WORSHIP SERVICE (3rd May 2020) - "Songs in the Night"
WORSHIP SERVICE (10th May 2020) - "On Eagles' Wings"
WORSHIP SERVICE (17th May 2020) - "An Oratorio of Creation" Psalm 104
Sunday Communion Service - 24th May 2020:
Message given by Joy Borgan: "A Song of Suffering" - based on Psalm 22.
Music includes "Above All"(sung by Paul Baloche); "O Lord, Your Tenderness/Such Love" sung by Graham Kendrick & Nicki Rogers; "Behold the Lamb"sung by Stuart Townend; "When I Survery"sung by Morrison Orpheus Choir.
Pentecost Worship Service - 31st May 2020:
Message given by Joy Borgan: The Holy Spirit: God's Gift to Us (Acts 2)
Music includes "These are the Days of Elijah" sung by Robin Mark; "Guide me O Thou great Jehovah" sung by the Treorchy Male Voice Choir; "Breathe on me, Breath of God" sung by Wordharmonic; "The Potter's Hand", written and sung by Darlene Zschech.
14 June 2020 Worship service with message from Joy Borgan entitled
"Stings, Bites and their Remedies" - Numbers 20 and John 3
Music includes "Sing of the Lord's Goodness" (Arundel & Brighton Diocese); "Beauty for Brokenness" (Graham Kendrick);"Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah" (Morrison Orpheus Choir); "Light of the World" (Tim Hughes); "Thine be the Glory (Keswick Praise).
HERE IS A LINK THAT WILL TAKE YOU TO ALL ICF SERVICES - http://www.borgan.info/id625.htm
Content Guide for normal 2020 Audio Sermons from Treeton Baptist Church up to Covid 19 Lockdown:
15th March Service
Great message (in 24 mins)from David helping us to understand how we should act out our Christian living - developing the examples in the passage (2 good exhibiting love - one bad exhibiting pride).
1st March Service
God gave Sadrack such incredible strength following the tragic death of his brother to enable Sadrack to give us this (25 minute) passionate, exciting - spirit filled message - based on Haggai 2. The overall title was 'Without us God is still God - Without God we are nothing'. The message brought us to a time of reflection on it's application for Treeton Baptist Church.
23rd February Service
Another great message from Dave (23 mins) really relating Haggai 1 to our present life & circumstances - again with his usual verve and humour. Praise the Lord!
16th February Service
Gordon gives us a short (7 minute) but encouraging message about why it is important (and good for us) to sing praises to God!
26th January Service
Andy Lawley earlier in the service told us all about Hope UK (why not have a look at rheir Website) Andy joined Hope UK in 2008 as a voluntary drugs educator in East Yorkshire - and is now a 'local worker' in Sheffield. He has also been chairman of the board of trustees since 2015. His message (21 mins) relates well to Hope UK - an appropriate title for the message is 'Choices'.
SORRY - For some gaps in Sermon recordings - partly due to many recently introduced 'Fun Family Services' - lively music & 'story times' (no sermon) and 'Dedications' (the Blessing of Children - just as Jesus did)!
SORRY FOR A FEW OTHER GAPS IN RECORDINGS - partly due to illnesses!
Content Guide for 2019 Sermons:
8th December Service
Margaret gave a us a lovely 12 minute message about The Shepherd and The Lost Sheep - with the help of Bramble (the Sheep) and Louis (the youngest member of the congregation). Afterwards we helped Margaret and Eric with their celebration of their Diamond Anniversary this month.
1st December Service
In just 11 minutes Brian gives us a really interesting & knowledgeable Advent message that has a clear warning - we need to be vigilant and right with God to be ready for the unexpected time of the second coming of Jesus Christ - to judge the living and the dead.
23rd November Service
Dave Goddard (main sermon - with plenty of humour) with Shadrack Duclonat (mini sermon) - partly based on Colossians 1 - great messages on an array of subjects - inheritance and redemption through Jesus with peace in knowing all things work for good through God. 30 mins - including the presentations to angels!
27th October Service
David gives another great message based on Luke 18 - 27 mins well spent!
20th October Service
Chris in 16 mins gives us a comprehensive message with the intriguing title of 'The Trouble with X' - care of C S Lewis. Chris covers a lot of ground - well worth a listen.
1st September Service
A short (12 min), in depth serious message relating God's warnings in Jeremiah 2 to the spiritual problems of Britain (& elsewhere) today. Brian has such a wonderful grasp of history and the Bible - glad he explained along the way why Hellenism originally took hold & the origins of the Olympics - and how this relates to how this world has gone astray - just pray that God's love & message will shine through.
25th August Service
Lovely to have Margaret Dimberline speaking to us once again - always down to earth - full of anecdotes - bringing the Lord's 'Calling' to Jeremiah right into our own lives - do listen to God's message through her - 19 minutes well spent!
4th August Service
Dr Clive Burnard, Regional Minister of the Yorkshire Baptist Association, gives us this amazing message about God's Love - such Spirit led enthusiasm - for the whole 25 exciting minutes. It will lift you up and challenge you right up to the dramatic end of the recording!
28th July Service
Chris gives a clear (12min) message on what at first seems a difficult passage (Hosea 1) to understand - God can ask things of us that don't make obvious sense - but trust Him and our actions will speak louder than words.
21st July Service
Gordon has a look at the implications of the basket of ripe fruit of Amos 8 and links this in 18 minutes to some present day situations that could be applicable to many churches regarding worship songs, stewardship and studying/applying God's word.
7th July Service
Debbie gives us 'her' typical interesting and great message (of about 19 minutes) - from a starting point of Isaiah 66 but then revealing so much about the book of Isaiah and particularly about how we can bloom, grow and flourish as we seek and trust in God. Listen to this and REJOICE!
30th June Service
In just 7 minutes Brian gives us this powerful message prompted by 1 Kings 19 - a warning to all who serve the Lord - especially church leaders - beware the devil at work.
23rd June Service
The Lord is definitely wanting to talk to us about ENCOURAGEMENT! We were wonderfully encouraged last week by Sadrack and colleagues - and this week Terry brought us a great message (30 mins) about one of the greatest encouragers in the Bible - Barnabas - drawing on Acts 4, 11 and 15 in particular. Terry encouraged us to be encouragers of one another and in our secular life - drawing people to know Jesus through our actions.
16th June Service
Guest speaker Pastor Sadrack Duclonat gave us an exciting, encouraging message (33 mins) about Faith, Hope and Character based on Romans 5 verses 1 to 5. We were treated to wonderful praise during the service especially when Sadrack was joined by fellow Pastors Dave Goddard and Rosald Alister Daniel!
5th May Service
With light humour & clarity - 14 min message - relating to us all - on Saul's transformation from murderous persecutor of Christians - to Paul, the world's most amazing Apostle and Missionary for Jesus.
21st April Service
Great Easter Sunday Celebration service including this 20 minute Resurrection Message from Dave Goddard - really encouraging - and comes with his usual enthusiasm and humour. Hallelujah! Jesus is Alive!
31st March Service
Margaret Dimberline speaks (~19mins) from the heart on the subject of 'Blessings and Parents' - very appropriate message on 'Mothering Sunday'.
27th January Service
In just 14 minutes Bob - with his usual interesting teaching and grasp of the correct translation of the Bible's words - gives us such clear gospel truth on how we as many united (and non-prideful) parts - should be the body of Christ - with Him and Him only as the head of the body - for all authority in heaven and on earth is given to Jesus.
20th January Service
Our Church Anniversary (95 years in current building!).
Ann, our longest serving member gave us (in 17 mins) a great history lesson and a lovely final conclusion relating to Psalm 121.
(Sorry about some of sound quality - after Ann sent the recorder flying!)
13th January Service
This was a family 'party' event with lively music and story telling for the kids - so sorry no sermon as such!
6th January Service
Following on from - and directly linked to - a great little '3 GIFTS' drama (with some excellent costumes) - Brian gave us a very brief (5 minute) but very interesting message relating to Matthew 2 verses 1 to 12.
Content Guide for many of our of 2018 Sermons:
30th December Service
Chris gives a short (12min) message considering the days after Christmas - with his usual humour and stories he makes us think about the need to Ponder, Praise and Proclaim the Good News.
25th December Service
After all the great Christmas orientated events we've had recently - where we had no recordings as such - it was lovely to have this little 5 minute Angel Story on Christmas Day morning. Thanks Jenny.
9th December Service
A must listen to message (23mins) from Dave with his usual great humour -alongside some sorrows he has been having to deal with for the sake of others. Through God's word he delivers assurance, encouragement, and wisdom to help us all be more Christ Like in our lives - linking to God given faith - in the knowledge of the Holy Spirit within us and a belief in the miracles of answered prayers.
2nd December Service
Debbie in 22 minutes explains the background and development of Advent and relates the reading (Luke 2 vs 25-38) to today. Whilst we wait for Jesus to return - are we obedient in praise and reminding ourselves of God's promises to us as individuals - making a note of those as we read our Bibles? Are we preparing ourselves in faith - to be ready - in patience & confidence through the Holy Spirit? Are we spending time together encouraging one another in God's word and each of us contributing our bit?
25th November Service
Paul gave a gentle encouraging message in 23 minutes with links to Colossians 3 vs 23-24 and Acts 20 vs 24. He warmly spoke about his recent time in Africa and commended the Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoebox work - and the importance of fulfilling the Mission that God gives each one of us.
29th October Service
On a very difficult day for Brian - he managed to give us a brief (6min) heart felt message relating to Exodus 15 vs 22 to 27 - warning us how the devil likes nothing better than to worm his way into times of trouble. Just keep your eyes on the cross when difficult times come!
21st October Service
Dave gives a great 21 minute message (delving further into Exodus 15) that he entitled 'How to sing in desert situations'. God gave him some amazing words that spoke directly to our current situation. Lovely to hear mention of the Rivers of Babylon with brother Tony not being able to be with us.
14th October Service
Great 11 min Message given by Chris Nuttall at a lovely Harvest Service where the donated products go to the Lighthouse Project in Rotherham. Some very lively harvest songs set to various backings - even a Samba!
7th October Service
Wonderful 15 min sermon from Bob linking Exodus 12 (with reference to Colin J Humphries) to Mark 14 and Revelation. May we always feed on the Lamb of God.
23rd September Service
Brian gives us one of his punchy & educational 5 minute messages - relating to Pharaoh and the plague of frogs but quickly turning it into a reminder of what our mission should be - going out to bring people to Jesus.
16th September Service
In 9 minutes at this baby Dedication - Chris gives a humorous message to a swelled congregation - with several babies present (sorry for some strange sound quality!). Lovely service with few tears!
9th September Service
Gordon follows on from Margaret to expand on some of her words - particularly through the Book of Habakkuk. Are you hurting and waiting on God - perhaps wondering and even getting mad at God - when he doesn't do what you expect he should do - and you know He can do!? You may be finding it difficult as you wait to hear from God or for an answer you've had to come to pass? Then, have a listen to this 23 minute message.
2nd September Service
Margaret Dimberline - gives a great 16 minute message on Pharaoh (A Man in Rebellion) - relating the Exodus 5 vs 1 -15 text not only to the Hebrews and Moses/Aaron - but also directly to ourselves and the way Satan can turn us in to rebels. Speaking from the heart about her own situation and giving our little church encouragement - especially when there are times of wondering and waiting!
26th August Service
David Harvey, gives us a 23 minutes message (I've called 'Jesus the Healer') of really sound Biblical teaching - based partly on Mark 2 verses 1 to 12 with important small detours through Mark - explaining why Jesus first told the paralytic man (who'd been lowered into the crowded room from the roof) that his sins were forgiven - and then subsequently healed the man allowing him to walk home - no longer a helpless man. David then related the message so well to our own lives.
12th August Service
Dave Goddard - preaching with us for the first time - relaxed the congregation with great humour whilst giving a wonderful 20 minute message - partly based on Daniel and Revelation 21 - touching on the Rival and the Real Kingdoms.
29th July Service
Clearly the Holy Spirit was upon Brian - as he gave us a 5 minute message from his heart - with humour, warmth and urgency - to stay firm in our faith - encouraging us to pass the test of trials from God - by Living in the Light of our Returning King.
22nd July Service
Second important message in the series of Living in the Light of a Returning King (by Following Him) - given by Gordon - in 15 mins - but recording goes on to include a Brief Church Meeting!
15th July Service
Good to listen to Debbie's 20 minute opening message on the subject of Living in the Light of a Returning King (through Justification).
17th June Service
In 23 minutes Chris takes us through the work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts and minds of sinners - bringing them to faith in Christ, providing us with the guidance we need to bring glory to God - as we promote Christ to others.
10th June Service
Gordon give an interesting & challenging 23 minute message to inspire us to: trust in God the Trinity; lead an obedient holy life: & to be 'fired up' by the Holy Spirit to urgently tell out the Good News.
Pleased to say the quality of the sound is now good again!
3rd June Service
Firstly - sorry for the quality of the sound this week!
David as usual gave us a great Biblically sound message - in just 15 mins - on being transformed to be more like Christ. Shedding all the bad things and putting on all the good things of Jesus Christ. God is so Good!
20th May Service
A must listen to Pentecost Message (22 minutes) from Darren Shaw of the Salvation Army - open those doors closed by fear and let the Holy Spirit in - to put His stamp upon your life. He's the best and ultimate gift! Ask, seek and knock! If you don't have the Holy Spirit in your life then you do not truly belong to Jesus Christ.
4th March Service
Debbie Pearson (in 18 minutes) told us about why we needed to know the Son of God more and how we needed to become more like Jesus. Becoming humble and bearing with one another in love - moves a church towards (and hold on to) unity. Knowing Jesus and more about the Bible will help us to discern false teaching to guard us against disunity. We learnt a new word 'paltering' - cunningly lying through using an element of truth - we need to be alert to this - testing things in the spirit. We need to step up and use our God given gifts and talents - encouraging each other in this service for the Lord. All this we heard from Debbie was an encouragement to lead us in unity towards better fulfilling the mission Jesus has given us.
25th February Service
In just 14 minutes Bob Lunt gave us a wonderfully clear and interesting message on how we should become 'A United Community' - no more selfish pride - instead follow the humble example of Jesus - the Servant King. A sermon largely based on Philippians 2 Verses 1 to 11 - 14 - this is an absolute must listen to item!
18th February Service
Gordon Hawley (in 21 minutes) gives us an interesting insight of what a Missional Community should look like - partly using the unlikely reading of 1 Corinthians 1 that he had been given via the preaching plan. The conviction and urgency for us, as united and Holy Spirit empowered 'ordinary' people, of telling out the Good News was emphasised - also drawing on the need to tell out the bad news: the dangers of the wrath of God and the deserved horrors of Hell!
11th February Service
A detailed 27 minutes from Chris Nuttall for all Christians (and churches who become overly denominational) - there's nothing we can do in our own strength to make ourselves acceptable to God. Our 'justification' is through the righteousness of Jesus and the love He showed for us at the cross.
4th February Service
Debbie Pearson explained (in 20 minutes) a blueprint of how to operate as a dedicated church community - being at one in the power of Jesus - with the power of the Holy Spirit to enable us - to be a community in unity - leading to unity within the community!
28th January Service
Brian Wilks gave us a brief but very interesting and quietly powerful sermon initially based on Exodus 34 vs 1 to 9 relating to the various Covenants in the Bible finishing with the final Covenant of the blood of Jesus.
21st January Service
Margaret Dimberline - 13 minutes - John 1 vs 1 to 8 - lovely encouragement for all Christians and especially our church on its Anniversary - to step out in faith - have no fear the Lord is with us until the end of the - His light conquers all darkness!
14th January Service
In 12 min Chris Nuttall follows on from Gordon Hawley's creation message of last week - picking up on Paradise Lost or The Fall (Genesis 3) - the introduction of sin into the world. Then we were pointed to the way of Paradise regained.
7th January Service
In 21 minutes - Gordon Hawley gets into the miracle of creation (mainly from Genesis 1 & 2) - whilst leading up to a communion celebration. This is an interesting message from a former materials scientist - who prays he avoided any false teaching.
And here's an example of another visiting preacher who regularly comes to us:
10th December 2017 Service
Excellent 31 minutes of sound Biblical teaching from David Harvey based on
Matthew 25 vs 31 to 46 - 'the Sheep the Goats'